These are quick tips that are very simple but yet efficient....
- Take care of your skin. Use soap and a moisturiser daily. Many moisteriser contains Vitamin E which helps to revitalize your skin. Skin products that include retinol help minimize fine lines and help prevent wrinkles to a degree.
- Do you ever wonder- WHY CAN'T THESE SPOTS DISSAPEAR?..Don't worry you can get help. For starters don't touch them because they would get inflated and a risk of more appearing on skin. Trust I know from experienced. Many creams are available in pharmacist which is beneficial which contains salycilic acid which helps. If problems still occurs its best to visit your doctor.
- Body spray- Don't you want the girl you have a crush on pass you and be like WOW. Well body sprays like Sure for men or Lynx is used worldwide and have got excellent feedback from men. (Feeling sexy can make you sexy).
- Have a regular haircut which is stylist and trendy. The hair gets tatty every 6 weeks so regular every month haircut keeps it looking good. If you want to change your hair color the best way is to get it done professionally. Badly done color changes can say many negative things about you as a person, unless of course bizarre is good for your 'alternative' image. Also products like gell and hair spray or wax can keep hair in a fixed position. But ensure that it is suited to your hair as products are designed for different hair such as dry, normal, greasy hair.
- A healthy diet is very essential not only does it keep you fit but it also keeps your skin healthy, it is highly likely you would even have spots and the face has a glow.
- Regular excercise. You've seen on TV advertisement the men with a great body shape. Well it doesn't happen overnight it takes practise. But it would be worth it. Your body would be sleak and gorgeous.
- Choose your clothes carefully. Women are very observant of what men wear as women themselve are clothes fanatic. A very important part of the face is your teeth so make sure you brush your teeth twice a day, one in the morning and one in the night.
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