Bollywood Rock Star Salman Khan tweeted that he suffers as a result of the blood clot in the eye, where his vision is unclear, and he was apprehended for fashion show, in shades of "thank you concern. It was only a small beginning close to the eye but all commitments ' Bigg Boss ', Being Human watches … and the size of the eye, so be sure to widespread at the start of the blood clot. I was ok to walk without the glares of the ramp but all who saw my eye was fear, so I thought it best to use chashmas (glasses), black, Brown, etc, so a few days at a temperature of 1 and 1 has a red-coloured Brown hehehe enjoy hazel, Brown, light. "
Salman Khan Bollywood hunk of even said that he had a fun time to intimidation beauties with his Bloody eyes backstagelta.He also ensured that his fans that he should be enhanced after taking into account a few days and his eye appears to be normal again, I hope to see you. we are two light brown eyes soon
Well now we know that will be involved in the Big Boss is not against specific shoot on Sunday due to alleged late night partying Salman insidious report is installed run. and we hope that ' Dabangg ' Salman Khan, who is suffering to a large extent on his eye the blood-clot, returns quickly.
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